Wednesday, 20 March 2013

FMP | Website Meeting with Jessie

This morning I had another meeting with Jessie in regards to the development of her website design. Although there were many aspects of the design that she liked, we agreed it perhaps looked a little too blog like, and wanted something a little more striking and bold.

The notes and screenshots below show the development through the conversation, and plans for the design. 



* Use index page to go back to home page at all times. 
* Bold NEW PROJECT title on latest images.
* Projects on homepage.
* Make both JPEG white on black and watermark 'COMING SOON' design.




* Feels cleaner, more editorial with white background
* Keep lightbox option
* Try different colour hover... or bold.



* See a wide range of projects - encourages viewer to see a lot of designs. High impact.


* Might look a bit jarring with too many images?
* Not evident if there is narrative - a bit scrapbook - like.



* Sense of banner - high impact and formal.
* Index page leads back to work.
* Likes large image above the smaller image selection.
* Left navigation bar.
* 'About' page in bold.


* Might be overwhelming in terms of imagery - bit confusing in navigation. Some pages you would want to be isolated.



* One large picture, and smaller images underneath - one page, but ordered.
* Each project on it's own page - don't define it's category too much... use description if necessary (sub title).


As a result, from weighing up the pros and cons, and what we can do in terms of editing the CSS of the website, we have decided to use the COUNTERFORM layout (seen at the top of the page in it's screenshot), which we feel will suit both the branding, and showcase Jessie's work most effectively. 

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