This afternoon I've been working on the very initial ideas for logo generation for the geek table collective logo to present our ideas in tomorrow's session tomorrow afternoon.
Immediately I thought it would be good to design something really clean, minimal and type based that looked professional and industry- appropriate, but wasn't too visually directive, therefore, keeping relatively neutral from the perspective of the joint work and portfolio of the collective.
I ended up generating various ideas, all reasonably similar, playing around with weights and hierarchy, and have deciced that I particularly liked the use of Apercu (by type foundry, Colophon) with varying type weights, in the 'Bold' and 'Mono' typeface, with a slightly awkward and unique appearance (almost portraying an awkward geeky-ness with the letterform's appearance) and a box surrounding the type (see image above) to represent more of a visual element, portraying the "table" itself.
Again, as part of the brand, the 'Geek' name could also be applied to various disciplines within the industry, such as 'Print Geek', 'Typography Geek', etc, giving each member of the collective more of a sense of individuality, once more.
Looking forward to the meeting tomorrow and seeing the response from other members of the group, along with other ideas that have been put forward for the basic logo and branding visuals.
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