Tuesday, 12 February 2013

FMP | Poo Papers


After developing the initial logo mark, and talking about the potential use of various stocks and design specifications for both print and web - based design, Alex was really keen on the idea of using recyclable, or even recyclable animal poo papers for his print - based media, as the use of environmental materials is not only reflective of his, and the future of Architectural design, but also is a fun talking point and quirk of his product deliverables.

From a couple of online sources and retailers found, The Exotic Paper Company (which I have seen samples of, with a fellow BAGDer using the company's stock in the past), had real potential, coming in a variety of sizes at a very reasonable price (the example, with the screenshot as shown below, being A4 300gsm board at 12p per sheet when 500 sheets are ordered).

Hopefully over the next couple of days and weeks as the designs develop, we can explore various print stocks, finishes and processes and begin to order some samples.


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