Sunday, 17 February 2013

FMP | New Designers Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Show

Over the next week or two, as part of the design team for the BA (Hons) Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Design yearbook, we will be having an organised initial meeting (along with our tutors) with the tutors and staff that run the design programme.

As part of this, I feel as though we will need to develop a body of contextual research, not just about the course itself, but also about the industry, to educate ourselves with current trends, the aspirations of the designers on the course, and, overall, to be able to produce a publication of industry standard that the course, and it's students, will be truly proud of.

As part of this research, I feel it is important to look at current events in the Printed Textile & Surface Pattern Design industry, one of the most notable being the Annual New Designers show, credited as one of the latest industry events and exhibitions in the yearly calendar, and which Leeds College of Art actively partake in each year.

Whilst developing the concept and collateral to be produced with the tutors, I definitely think it would be worth considering developing the personal course branding for the New Designers show, and this will certainly be something to discuss with the other designers on the team to develop not only the branding and professionalism of the course and it's representatives, but also as the our own briefs and projects, from both a digital and print perspective.

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