Wednesday, 27 February 2013

FMP | Design Context Group Crit

Notes from today's group Design Context crit, lead by Programme Leader and tutor, Fred Bates, and with fellow BAGD students Baljeet Samra and Jamie Flear.

I ended up leaving the crit feeling really inspired, and with a much more distinct and clearer understanding of the module, and what I hope to achieve from it.

I'm really looking forward to creating a much wider scope for my Design Context research, and applying it to my printed design outcome.



* Make sure briefs don't lead context. 
* Don't be too narrow.
* Design for an informed audience...high spec print and production (specialise and focus).
* Applied branding and high spec print production (specialism).
* Be innovative and open up your inspiration... look at the BIGGER PICTURE.
* Cross over inspiration and the overview. 
* My two conflicts are: DESIGN FOR DESIGNERS vs. DESIGN FOR CLIENTS (Freelance/Studios, etc.)
* Contact studios with questions to develop insight and practice (contextual).
* Ensure your research makes sense critically and evaluate on your blog.
* Consider how we gather text from both primary and secondary sources... focus on primary.
* Spend time working on it EVERY DAY.
* The design context will drive our practice in the long run.
* What influences me? Don't question it, do it!
* In 3/4 weeks... Make a presentation, What I've done, What I'm doing, What I've got to do...

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