Friday, 26 April 2013

FMP | Si Scott Lecture Notes

Notes from today's visiting professional lecture by designer, Si Scott.



* Background interests in typography at art college. Enjoyed drawing but had no focused concept of Graphic Design.
* Hand drawn work was a necessity from not knowing how to use a computer.
* Work shown and portfolio reviewed at D&AD after college, which lead to further internships and opportunities.
* Started working on record sleeve designs in his freelance, illustrative style which lead to more exposure.
* Got a commission at Casio in Manchester, leaving London, and got his agent, which lead onto snowballing ad work and campaigns.
* Do what the client wants, and then give more, if you have time.
* Worked on a great deal of campaigns, particularly editorial.
* Tiffany & Co. were big clients, through shop campaigns and Christmas cards.
* Works regularly on book cover designs (e.g. Zadie Smith, Changing My Mind).
* Worked with Matthew Williamson on a mechanical insect surface pattern/fashion range.
* The way to generate work is to create your own work. Make time for your own work.
* Always give people more than what they ask for.
* Art not Ads billboard in Manchester.
* Learned how to tattoo to translate his work through different mediums.
* Print makes so much impact... always bring more attention to you and your work.

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