After establishing the design direction for the La Petit Macaron Project, I knew I wanted to get started, and keep the momentum of the project, as soon as possible.
Due to the colourful nature of macarons themselves, I knew that colour would be an absolutely necessity in the deliverable outcomes, and looked forward to exploring a range of colour palettes (both pastels and brights) sourced and developed through both the Adobe Kuler website ( and along with several images sourced through Google Images (both examples of which shown above and below on this post).
Along with selecting colours, I also wrote down a menu of potential macaron flavours to develop, the colours of which I felt could distinguish further direction for the colour palette.
Flavours include:
* Abricot | Apricot
* Cappuccino | Cappuccino
* Cassis | Blackcurrant
* Noix de Coco | Coconut
* Creme Brulee | Crème Brûlée
* Chocolat | Chocolate
* Espresso | Espresso
* Citron | Lemon
* Rose | Rose
* Moka | Mocha
* Nutella | Nutella
* Fruit de la Passion | Passion Fruit
* Pistache | Pistachio
* Framboise | Raspberry
* Vanille | Vanilla
* Viole | Violet
I then went on to select colour palettes that I felt were not only aesthetically appropriate to both the product and the target consumer, but would also adhere to a "colour palette" represented by the flavours.
The lists read:
* Rose
* Raspberry
* Pistachio
* Cappuccino
* Coconut
* Chocolate
* Espresso
* Mocha
* Raspberry
* Rose
* Nutella
* Vanilla
* Apricot
* Coconut
* Creme Brûlée
* Lemon
* Rose
* Passion Fruit
* Raspberry
* Vanilla
... With a total of nine different colours/flavours represented at this point from the select menu, the cream/red/brown/pink colour palette certainly has promise, but I will go on to develop some mock ups and initial design ideas before determining a strict outcome.